  1. Energy

This song is one of my absolute favorites!  It has such a powerful message of hope for those who have loved ones who have passed away.  It's all about our Energy, and that, according to Albert Einstein's physics theory, energy can never leave - it just changes forms.
This song is truly special to me because it was co-written by two people I have great respect for, Chris Moon and Dr. Fink.  Chris Moon, who wrote the lyrics, was the person who gave Prince his start, and Dr. Fink, who wrote the music and composed the song, is from Prince's band, The Revolution.  I am so honored to have worked with these music icons!
Please check out my music video for this song, which you'll find on my music videos link.  It was so fun to plan it, select the costumes, and the really fun science props!  Along with the story line, I tried to incorporate a neon/high-energy theme along with a celestial, other-worldly theme.
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